Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Flamenco Concert this Friday 27.01.2012

We inform you that this Friday, the 27th of January 2012 a Flamenco-Guitarr-Concert with Pepe Moreno & Amigos will take place at the culture centre (Centro Cultural ) of Maspalomas at 08:30 pm.

The entrance: 5.00 Euro per person.

Flamenco is a genre of music, song and dance from the Spanish region of Andalusia, noted for its energetic, staccato style. It grew from Andalusian music, song and dance styles and the song and dance of the local Romani people. In recent years flamenco has become popular all over the world and is taught in many countries; in Japan flamenco is so popular there are more academies there than in Spain.


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