Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Canarian Recipes: Tortitas de Carnaval

Dear Blog-readers,

Having the Carnaval right now on the Islands, we thought a good receipe would be the same named kind of panecakes, called TORTITAS DE CARNAVAL. They are very easy to make and even changeable with bananas or other fruits:


  • 6Eggs
  • 400 g flour
  • ½ kg sugar
  • ½ L milk
  • 1 lemon
  1. Beat the white egg to snow and add the sugar little by little.
  2. Add the egg yolks, the flour, the milk and the grated lemon.
  3. Meanwhile heat up the oil in a frying pan und enter the content in small portions until they are fried, turning then from both sides
  4. When gold-brown take them out and add sugar or honey as you wish to
Happy Carnaval! wishes you Mur Hotels

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