Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Canarian Recipes

Dear Blog-readers,

Since we have wednesday today, here comes a new canarian receipe for you all, so that you can cook them at home and refresh your canarian vacation memories. Today we will teach you how to make the famour "Papas arrugadas" (canarian potatoes):


  • 1 kg Potatoes (small ones)
  • lemon
  • Sea Salt
  • Water
  • Mojo Sauce (receipe from last week)


  1. Wash the potatoes carefully since they are served with their skin
  2. Add the potatoes to a pot of very salty water
  3. The potatoes should float in the salty water, if they don't you need to add more salt.
  4. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 20 min.
  5. Now drain most of the water from the pot and cover the potatoes with a layer of salt.
  6. Turn down the heat and gently shake the pot so that salt crystalizes on the potatoes

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